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7 views • January 10, 2024

What Makes Exes Come Back?

Coach Lee
Coach Lee
When it comes to reuniting with an ex, reigniting the lost spark of attraction stands as the foremost necessity. In most relationship breakdowns, dwindling attraction serves as the underlying cause. It's crucial to recognize that when attraction levels are soaring, there's an inherent drive to overcome obstacles and stay connected with that significant other. Reflect on the reasons provided at the breakup; if they seem vague or unconvincing, such as needing personal growth or citing bad timing, it's often a sign of diminished attraction. For the person left behind, this is particularly hard to digest, as their attraction remains unaltered or even intensified due to feelings of loss and the desire to maintain the relationship. Consider long-distance relationships as a case study. The willingness to endure travel and physical absence initially seems manageable because of high attraction levels. However, as romantic fervor normalizes and the honeymoon phase wanes, the practical challenges of distance begin to erode this attraction. The effort required starts to feel overwhelming, leading to a snowball effect where the relationship, once manageable, becomes an insurmountable hurdle. Therefore, in cases where one partner decides to end the relationship, it's a clear indicator that their attraction has waned to a point where it no longer compensates for the relationship's challenges or shortcomings. While there might be exceptions to this rule, the majority of breakups boil down to this simple yet profound truth: insufficient attraction. Rebuilding this lost attraction is not an instantaneous process. It requires strategic thinking and a nuanced understanding of human emotions and relationship dynamics. The question then becomes: how can one effectively rekindle this attraction? One crucial aspect of this process involves giving your ex space and time. This space allows them to miss you and reflect on the positives of the relationship. It's during this period of absence that they can begin to feel a renewed sense of attraction. This is where the concept of 'no contact' becomes pivotal. By cutting off communication, you create a void in their life, which can lead to them missing your presence and reigniting their feelings for you. Accompanying articles: https://coachlee.podbean.com/e/what-makes-exes-come-back/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVTfdxcRHa4 https://www.lifecoachhub.com/coaching-videos/what-makes-exes-come-back/353 https://myexbackcoach.medium.com/what-makes-exes-come-back-d939c8a54398 It's essential to understand that during this period, your ex might engage in a mental tug-of-war, oscillating between their initial relief of ending the relationship and a growing realization of your absence in their life. This internal conflict is a natural part of the process and can gradually guide them towards reconsidering the breakup. In summary, for an ex to come back, a resurgence of attraction is fundamental. This process requires patience, understanding, and a strategic approach to allow your ex the space they need to rediscover their feelings for you. Through this journey, they can move from a state of relief and independence to one where they recognize the value and significance of what they've lost.
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