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132 views • April 30, 2022

月下貂蟬 - 張卓立 純音樂版(Momo Violin and Mi Piano)

Momo violin
Momo violin
很高興收到張卓立先生的工作邀約,演奏他的作品《月下貂蟬》 歡迎大家訂閱我的頻道,每週更新經典歌曲的小提琴演奏版٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 別忘打開小鈴鐺(^_−)☆ 《月下貂蟬》改編自中國傳統戲曲故事《關公月下釋貂蟬》。貂蟬,據傳說,乃中國三國時代(公元220-280年)初年人物,初為官拜司徒的王允所用,用她的美貌使計挑起當權亂臣董卓和義子呂布之間嫌隙,後董卓呂布先後身亡,貂蟬轉歸曹操門下,受命再出美人計使曹操對手關羽歸順,惜貂蟬在月夜訪關羽,使出渾身解數仍不得要領,更被關羽要脅用青龍刀索命。《月下貂蟬》表達貂蟬受曹操之命夜訪關羽的心情,既慨嘆一生身不由己,對百姓在戰亂中苟活感悲傷,同時對歷來女性總是被斥為禍水感到不忿。 Diao Chan In The Moonlight is a Chinese song adapted from traditional Chinese opera. Diao Chan was alleged a spy in Three Kingdoms period (220-280 A.D.). She was good at using her beautiful outlook to instigate conflicts among politicians and military generals. Once, as ordered by a powerful politician Cao Cao, Diao Chan tried to solicit a military general Kwan Yu to betray his kingdom. However, Kwan Yu was not trapped and threatened to kill her by his glaive. This song is to express Diao Chan’s feeling about her unlucky life and accused that female was often described as troublemaker to the society. 鋼琴Mi Piano 歡迎大家關注我好朋友的頻道 https://youtu.be/DcX2kC2F2MI 另一個版本 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fveo0A0GThU 如果您希望支援我製作更多音樂和視頻 https://www.paypal.me/momotian 感謝您的支持,讓我有更大的動力製作新的作品, 我會繼續努力。 ご応援頂きありがとうございます。 これからも頑張りますので、宜しくお願い致します。 Thank you for your support!!! so that I have more motivation to make new videos. momoviolin.com バイオリン | 小提琴 | Violin Music Video | PV #月下貂蟬 #張卓立 #小提琴 #鋼琴 #Violin #バイオリン
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