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April 2, 2022
TEASER: WalkAway Founder: No J6er Will Get Fair Trial; Aunt Blames DOJ for J6er Suicide | The Nation Speaks
The Nation Speaks
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Many January 6 defendants have been through an anguishing year in ways no simple headline could ever capture. Brandon Straka, founder of the #WalkAway Campaign talks to us while under house arrest about his ordeal, including the ongoing punishment of being placed on the TSA terrorism watchlist—all for a non-violent misdemeanor.
Then, in America Q&A we ask: How do you react when someone expresses a political opinion you don’t agree with?
Next, for J6 defendant Matthew Perna the psychological pressure of the last year ultimately crushed his spirit—and on February 25, days before his sentencing, he took his life. His aunt Geri Perna shares the heartbreaking story of what he and the family have been through. She says the DOJ and media are to blame for her nephew’s death.
Finally, in our second America Q&A, as a new judge is added to the highest court, we ask if you think there should be term limits for Supreme Court justices?
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