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41 views • March 30, 2022


🔊New York pianist blossoms into a baker of lifelike bouquets 紐約鋼琴家轉行成奶油裱花蛋糕烘焙師 [可開啟中文字幕] This concert pianist has blossomed into a baker who creates buttercream lifelike flower bouquets. Navah Perlman Frost played piano professionally for 35 years until the global health crisis hit two years ago. 這位時常舉辦音樂會的鋼琴家轉行成為烘培師,她用奶油霜創造出了栩栩如生的花束蛋糕。直到兩年前疫情來襲,Navah Perlman Frost 已專業演奏鋼琴 35 年。 With concerts suspended, Frost watched YouTube tutorials on baking and frosting. 音樂會被迫暫停後,Frost 觀看了有關烘焙和糖霜的 YouTube 課程。 "I was doing some jigsaw puzzles to keep myself busy. But I was also baking a lot because I've always been a hobby baker. (有刪) I didn't think I was going to actually end up selling anything," Frost said. Frost說:「我會玩拼圖來使自己忙碌起來。但我也經常烘焙,因為我一直都是一個烘培愛好者。我沒想到最後我會開始賣蛋糕。」 The frosted flowers on the cake look like fresh bouquets of roses, peonies, and tulips. She finds that cake making is almost expressive in a similar way as music. 蛋糕上的奶油裱花看起來像新鮮的玫瑰、牡丹和鬱金香花束。她發現蛋糕製作幾乎就像音樂一樣富有表現力。 "It's something personal that is just coming from you. And it feels similar. I don't know how to explain it, but like this sensation when I finish something and I look at it and I'm enjoying that feeling of creation," Frost said. Frost說:「它是從你身上冒出來的個人創造的東西,兩者感覺很相似,我不知道如何解釋,但就像當我完成一件事並看著它時,我享受那種創造的感覺。」 Now, two years into the pandemic, Frost reflects on what it's been like for her and her customers. 現在,疫情已經持續兩年了,Frost 思考了她和她的客戶的經歷。 "There is a piece of me that is enjoying this so much that I would hate to stop doing it. The small things mean something, and I think people really cherish special moments and they celebrate differently now," Frost said. Frost說:「我有一部分非常享受這個工作,所以我不想停止這份工作。事情雖小,但卻有意義。我覺得人們真的很珍惜這個特殊的時刻,他們現在慶祝的方式也跟以前不太一樣。」 blossom (v.) (人)變得更有魅力(或更成功、更自信); (植物)開花 bouquet (n.) 花束 jigsaw (n.) 拼圖遊戲 peony (n.) 芍藥;牡丹 reflect (v.) 反射;思考 🔠【大千英語新聞】播放清單歡迎+到媒體庫 http://bit.ly/3b9y352 細選自國際上新奇、趣味、具指標性的新聞報導,通過閱讀、收聽與影像記憶等多功能加速學習。短短的影片,讓忙碌的現代人也能通勤學英文,天天練聽力。在台灣迎向國際的浪潮下,看大千學英文培植國際素養,是普羅大眾快樂的好幫手。 🔔請訂閱我們 https://youtube.com/user/NTDAmazingWorld 🆗再開啟小鈴鐺 ✅定時來點正成長喔 官方網站👉https://www.ntdtv.com.tw/program/大千世界
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