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3,135 views • November 27, 2021

《Yesterday》 (Slow Version) - The Beatles - Cello Cover 大提琴版本 『cover by YoYo Cello』【歐美懷舊系列】

吳登凱YoYo Cello
Yesterday - The Beatles cello cover 《Yesterday》是英國披頭四搖滾合唱團在1965年所推出的西洋歌曲。譜寫這首經典歌曲的披頭四成員McCartney表示,他在一次夢裡夢見這個旋律,醒來之後就立刻把它記了下來,但他不確定這是不是別人寫的音樂,於是到處詢問他的朋友是否聽過這首曲子,等過了一陣子之後確定都沒有人聽過這個旋律,他才很有把握地把這首曲子(據為己有),歌曲一推出立即成為經典。 2019年由Richard Curtis編劇,Danny Boyle所執導的奇幻浪漫喜劇電影就是以《Yesterday》作為它的片名,我們台灣將這部影片譯為《靠譜歌王》,中國譯為《昨日奇蹟》,香港譯為《緣來自昨天》,它是根據Jack Barth與Richard Curtis的真實故事所改編。電影由Himesh Patel飾演一個有志難伸鬱鬱寡歡的音樂人Jack Malik,在一次意外後他發現這世上還記得披頭四這個樂團的人所剩無幾,而他自己就是那少數幾人的其中之一,於是他決定取用披頭四唱過的歌曲來使自己爆紅,他也的確做到了,然而成名之後隨之而來的卻是一連串奇幻浪漫的開始...........。 Lily James在影片中飾演男主角的兒時玩伴和情人,Kate McKinnon則飾演他的經理人,而Ed Sheeran則飾演劇中虛構的角色。 為了讓這首經典西洋歌曲呈現不一樣的氛圍,我特別把演奏的速度放得很慢很慢,希望《Yesterday》這樣的演繹方式您也會喜歡! 喜歡我的影片,請記得幫我點讚、留言、分享,還有別忘記要訂閱我並打開"🔔" 如果您有餘力,請贊助我讓我有更多資源去做出更好的音樂分享給更多人欣賞! 歐付寶|https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/BCAFF9E9D687672949A6A3D73A281151 PayPal|https://paypal.me/wuyoyocello?locale.x=zh_TW (匯款) 銀行: 國泰世華(013) 戶名:吳登凱 帳號:115506188182 非常謝謝您的支持! *************************************************************************************** "Yesterday" was a famous English pop song in 1960’, written by Lennon–McCartney a singer of band Beatles on their album “Help” released in 1965. It’s a melancholy ballad about the break-up of a relationship. The singer nostalgically laments for yesterday when he and his love were together before she left because of something he said. According to biographers of McCartney, he composed the entire melody in a dream one night in his room at the Wimpole Street home of his then-girlfriend Jane Asher and her family. Upon waking, he hurried to a piano and played the tune to avoid forgetting it. McCartney's initial concern was that he had subconsciously plagiarised someone else's work. As he put it, "For about a month I went round to people in the music business and asked them whether they had ever heard it before. Eventually, it became like handing something to the police. I thought if no one claimed it after a few weeks then I could have it." Upon being convinced that he had not copied the melody, McCartney began writing lyrics to suit it. "Yesterday" has been popular so far, there are more than 2,200 cover versions, it is one of the most covered songs in the history of recording. There are also many cello adaptations on the Internet. I play this song with tempo lentissimo in order to present a different feeling. I hope my work can also be loved by you. Cello: YoYo Deng-Kai, Wu Video:Santon. W I'm going to upload the new video at 8.30 p.m. every Saturday. If you do like my video, please leave your message, share this video, subscribe to my channel, switch on the notification bell 🔔, Many Thanks! More information about YoYo: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoyo_cello/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/%E5%90%B3%E7%99%BB%E5%87%B1Wu-Deng-KaiYoYo-2078457269042638/ For any performances invitation, please do inbox my Instagram or email me at: yoyo132365@yahoo.com.tw Your donations are welcomed and needed which is most helpful to me for making more good MV for you. Opay pays|https://payment.opay.tw/Broadcaster/Donate/BCAFF9E9D687672949A6A3D73A281151 PayPal|https://paypal.me/wuyoyocello?locale.x=zh_TW (Remittance) CATHAY UNITED BANK (013) SWIFT CODE: UWCBTWTP Beneficiacry: DENGKAI WU Account No.: 115087073299 (For USD) Thank you for your support! *************************************************************************************** 大提琴:吳登凱YoYo 攝影剪輯:Santon.W 目前沒意外的話每週六晚上八點半固定更新影片! 如果喜歡我的影片 記得幫我分享訂閱 並且打開🔔訂閱通知 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAFginbPWv3Mvu_CZLJyMuw/?sub_confirmation=1 更多 吳登凱 YoYo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yoyo_cello/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/吳登凱Wu-Deng-KaiYoYo-2078457269042638/ 各式演出邀約請私訊instagram或email我的信箱: yoyo132365@yahoo.com.tw
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